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Chalfont St Peter

Infant School

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Meet the Governors

The CSPI Governing Body is a vital part of the leadership and management of the school working alongside the Headteacher and staff to ensure that all our children receive an outstanding education.

Governing bodies have three core functions:  to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school; to hold the headteacher to account for pupil outcomes and the quality of teaching and learning; and to ensure financial probity. Governors, consisting of parents, staff and members of the local community, regularly review the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction. We want to assure ourselves that children attending our school will have the best possible start in life as rightly expected by the whole community. Children should be happy, inspired and develop a love of learning which will carry then throughout their school days and beyond.  

On the second area the governors work hard to monitor teaching and learning so that all children can fulfil their potential and achieve the best possible start to their formal education. We are very proud of the learning that takes place. 

On the third area, financial probity, the governors ensure that your money is spent most effectively and efficiently and that all expenditure is properly accounted for. Our school is judged by Ofsted to be outstanding in all areas. The governors are proud of this and are committed to ensuring that the reputation of the school in the community remains high.


Jim King, the Chair of Governors

How we work?


The full Governing Body meet twice a term. We have three Committees: Teaching & Learning, Resources & Personnel and Premises, Health & Safety all of which meet termly. In addition we have working parties to deal with specific projects or issues. Governors are also allocated individual roles which are linked to their particular skills and interests.  We visit the School on a regular basis, both formally and informally, and get to experience what life in School is really like, the behaviour and attitudes of the children and the hard work of the staff.

How can you help?

It is important for us as Governors to understand how our parents and carers feel about the School and your child’s experiences.  Please do speak to us and share any ideas, comments or questions you may have.  You may see some of us in the School playground and we will always be in attendance at School functions but you can contact any one of us via the School Office.  However, just a reminder that any specific concerns you have regarding your child should be dealt with in the first instance by their class teacher and then, if necessary, by the Headteacher. Our role is strategic not operational and, as such, we do not get involved in the day to day running of the School. 


Further information

Below you will find further information about how our Governing Body is constituted, our Committee memberships and details of our “Special Interest” Governors. Copies of our Full Governing Body minutes are available at the School Office should you wish to read them.

Please also see the link below for details of Governor attendance at meetings and declarations of interest.

 If you are interested in possible opportunities on our Governing Body then please get in touch with the School Office and we will contact you.



