Hello Year R!
How are you all? It was lovely to see some of you at school this week and we are looking forward to welcoming Bubbles C and D back on Monday.
I hope you enjoyed your trip to Africa last week. Don’t forget to look at our virtual trip around the world page to see the African necklaces you have designed- make sure you watch carefully, there is a message in there for you all!
This week we are going to be learning all about India. We will be making the Taj Mahal in Art, designing Rangoli patterns in Maths and comparing a school in India to our school in Literacy. I hope you enjoy our time in India!
I am really pleased to see lots of you continuing to use RMeasimaths and Reading Eggs. I am proud of all the things you are learning and achieving during this time. Thank you parents and carers for supporting your children with the home learning activities!
Thinking of you all and missing you loads!
Miss Pitman xx