Hello Year 2,
We hope you are all well and have been enjoying the tasks and activities that were set last week.
Here is the planning for this week. As always, if you cannot manage to get everything done please don’t worry.
We are really pleased to see lots of you have used your logins to access RMeasimaths and we hope you are enjoying this new resource. We are also delighted to see your effort and progress! Please remember to take a look if you have not done so already. There is a letter attached to last week’s planning for more details.
As an additional Maths resource White Rose Maths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ are offering a series of five Maths lessons a week for Years 1-8. No login or registration is required, just click the link above and select Year2. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully
Phonics Play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ are also offering free access to their website. Children can now use the site at home without their parents needing to subscribe. To access the resources all you need to do is log on using the following details:
Username: march20
Password: home
Once you are logged on click Resources then Phase 6 to access games suitable for Year 2.
Remember that we are always here to help and you can contact us via our emails.
Have a great week,
Mrs Chambers and Mrs Edwards