On Tuesday 8th November, Year 1 children travelled to Milestones Museum of Living History in Basingstoke. We all had great fun exploring and spotting interesting artefacts from years ago.
First we walked across cobbled streets through Victorian times. We dressed up in clothes that were very different to our own! We visited Ye Olde Bicycle Shoppe where we were lucky to see a Penny Farthing cycle. It was so high and we were unsure how anyone could get on it!
After this we visited some old houses. We were surprised to see that the toilet was outside! There was no fridge and the washing machine had no plug to plug it in! With no electricity, washing was a hard job...
Then we went into the 1940s and saw a pub from wartime Britain. There were many strange hairdryers and vaccum cleaners! The ovens and fridges were not like ours in kitchens at home.
Learning outside the classroom was a wonderful experience and Mrs West was very proud of us.
The best part was visiting the shop! We loved spending our money and the ladies were very busy with 30 children from Oak Class! Have a look at our photos below...