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Windsor Castle 11.5.18

Elm Class had a fantastic time on our very royal trip to Windsor Castle! The excitement was building as soon as we stepped on the coach – especially as we spotted the Royal Standard flying in the distance on our approach to Windsor…


Our first stop was through St George’s Chapel – everyone was very excited to see inside and walk the route that Harry and Meghan would take only a week later for their wedding! Our learning session about ‘Whose Royal Home is This?’ was a highlight for many of us; we learnt all about the Castle’s history, including the different people who had lived and worked inside it – some of us were even able to dress up in historical costumes, very smart indeed!


Next was another highly anticipated part of our itinerary… lunch! We headed back to the Learning Centre to refuel and discuss what we had seen so far!


After re-entering the Castle we made our way to the State Apartments and wandered around the amazing rooms – seeing the Throne Room, St George’s Hall and the official Reception Rooms, I think we were all in agreement with one of the children who exclaimed ‘this is my kind of house!’


After a visit to one of the soldiers we made our way back to the coach, it was a super day accompanied by an incredibly special atmosphere and we felt very lucky to have seen the Castle and Chapel so close to the Royal Wedding.


A big thank you to our wonderful helpers – Mrs Lindsay, Mr Jordan and Mrs Gidwani. We hope you had as much fun as we did!
