PE Curriculum
Our school aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through good physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We listen to our children wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond. We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children's well-being. We have strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure the children and families receive the support and knowledge they need.
Chalfont St Peter Infant School offer a coherently planned sequence of lessons to ensure the requirements of the PE National Curriculum are progressively covered. Teachers and Primary Sporting Development (PSD) coaches deliver a varied and well mapped out PE curriculum following the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work. It provides opportunities for progression across the full breadth of the PE National Curriculum for EYFS and KS1 for both indoor and outdoor PE. We focus on the development of fundamental skills needed for specific sports as pupils move into KS2. It is our intention to develop a lifelong love of physical activity and sport in all our pupils to help them lead healthy, active lives. Within each lesson children develop their PE skills, work and play with others in a range of group situations, consider the impact on their health and fitness, compete, perform and evaluate. Our intention is also to ensure that every child participates in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day in addition to two hours of PE lessons per week.
Our detailed PE lesson plans ensure that all teachers are equipped with secure subject knowledge to confidently deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities. Lessons are planned to inspire and engage all pupils, ensuring children are given opportunities to practise existing skills, build upon these or develop more advanced skills. There is a clear structure to the lesson sequence; prior learning is considered, opportunities for revision and practise are given, assessment criteria are used and, alongside physical development, pupils develop social, emotional and thinking whole child outcomes. PSD coaches work alongside Class Teachers to provide continued professional development.
At least 30 minutes of physical activity per day in addition to two hours of PE per week is implemented through active brain breaks, active learning, resources and equipment to promote active breaktimes and participation in the Daily Mile. Use of the environmental area for Forest School activities delivers active outdoor learning for Reception each week and KS1 on a termly rota. Lunchtime games and after school sports clubs are provided for KS1 children along with an annual Sports Week, Sports Day, Team Tournaments and Sports Workshops for all children. Cross curricular links are made with other subjects particularly in Science – Animals Including Humans, PSHE – Health & Wellbeing and Year 2 History – History of the Paralympics (Historical events, people and places in their own locality).
Our high quality and consistent approach to teaching PE significantly improves children’s attainment, skills and knowledge. We ensure our PE curriculum is engaging, inclusive, progressive and allows pupils to develop fundamental skills that they can apply to a variety of sports and activities. Pupils benefit from high quality PE lessons delivered by professional coaches and additionally develop skills during break times and through extra-curricular sport clubs on a weekly basis. INSET opportunities for Teachers to observe high quality lessons, delivered by specialist coaches, further increases their professional development. Increased pupil activity has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Active learning outside the classroom contributes to their physical development. We strive to motivate pupils and equip them with the necessary skills and a love of sport that they will pursue outside of school and in a future life outside of primary school. Through positive role models, pupils understand the values and importance of fair play and being a good sportsperson.
Primary PE and Sport Premium Budget
The Primary PE and Sport Premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of Physical Education and school sport in Primary schools across England.
It is designed to help children get an active start in life, supporting Primary schools to improve the quality of their PE and sport provision so that pupils experience the benefits of regular exercise from becoming healthier both mentally and physically to improved behaviour and better academic achievement.
The PE and Sport Premium is a ring-fenced grant for English Primary schools to provide additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity. Allocations to schools are determined by a formula based on pupil numbers. The average one form entry Primary school will receive roughly £18,000 per year.
A large proportion of the funding Chalfont St Peter Infant School receives is allocated to the purchase of specialist coaching staff and services from Primary Sports Development (PSD) to deliver high quality PE lessons across the school. Please click on the document below to see how our PE and Sport Premium budget is spent.
June 2023 - Playground Games Sports Week
What a fabulous Sports Week we had in June! The children benefited from hours of exercise and learnt new playground games, sporting skills and spectacular hula hooping! It is so important for our children to find a sport they enjoy, keep fit and healthy and play as part of a team. The week also taught the children many different ways to enjoy the fresh air at playtime, with games and activities using no equipment at all or simple playground equipment only. We hope to see all these games being practised over the rest of the term and beyond.
Here is a quote from our Year 2 Sports Leaders –
We had great fun during Sports Week. We learnt lots of excellent
playground activities and games from Mr McCoy. We learnt table
football, Granny’s footsteps, foxes and farmers and many more.
Finally, on Friday, The Hoop Guy came into school - He was famous
and had been on Britain’s Got Talent! He taught us all how to hula
hoop and it was amazing!
Thank you so much to our coaches from PSD, The Hoop Guy and our school staff for organising and delivering such a wealth of great activities for our children.
Please enjoy the hula hoop videos and playground games photographs below.
May 2023 - Multi Sports Tournaments
Over the past week every child has been working hard to win points for their team colour by competing in year group sports tournaments. We enjoyed three fabulous, sunny days of competition including rugby relays, football goal scoring, cricket stump aiming and tennis ball balancing. We were very proud of the children’s’ sporting achievements and their encouragement towards one and other. Here are a few comments from the children about their day; ‘It was lots of fun and I really enjoyed it!’, ‘The beanbag game was my favourite and the music helped me concentrate’, ‘ I liked shooting goals best because you even got 5 points if you hit the cross bar’, ‘I found some things tricky but it’s good because all your hard work pays off’.
A huge congratulations to all the children especially those in the Green Team who were the overall winners with an amazing 1996 points!
Green Team – 1996 points
Blue Team – 1973 points
Yellow Team – 1938 points
Red Team – 1865 points
Special thanks to our PSD coaches who helped run this fun filled event alongside our school staff.
March 2023 - Bringing Books to Life Dance Workshop
As part of our World Book Day celebrations each class enjoyed a visit from ‘Bringing Books to Life’. An amazing, professional actress engaged the children in the story of Alice in Wonderland. She led the children using drama and dance to live and retell the story.
Watch our video and view our photos below.
January 2023 - Maypole Dance Workshop
We recently invited Primary Workshops to our school to teach every class Maypole dancing. The children began with an explanation of this traditional dance followed by a warm up. Soon they were learning a dance routine which they then performed around the Maypole. The workshop was a great success, the children loved taking part and look forward to learning more throughout the rest of the year. Please click on the video links below to watch our dances!
November 2022 Scooter Training
Team Rubicon, the UK's leading provider of skateboard and scooter coaching, visited our school to provide every child with the training to safely use their scooter on the way to school or in public places. The children had so much fun and absolutely loved their lesson as you can see from the photos below!
June 2022 Sports Week - Team Games
What a fantastic Sports Week we had! Our theme was Team Sports and each day the children enjoyed activities to help them understand the value of teamwork and cooperation.
The children began the week playing team building games, Hula Hoop Pass was a firm favourite. Children joined hands to form a circle and worked together to pass a hula hoop around the circle as quickly as possible without breaking handholds.
Emily from Pip’s Dance Academy joined us on day two to teach the children group dances from across the world. The Reception classes learned a Bollywood dance from India, Year 1 learned the Haka from New Zealand and Year 2 learned a carnival dance from Brazil. At the end of the day each year group performed their dance to the rest of the school and they were all amazing!
Day three was extra special as we were lucky to receive a visit from a professional cricket player, Tim Murtagh. The children were very excited to try on Mr Murtagh’s cricket pads, helmet and gloves! They found out what it was like to play cricket as a job and the skills they would need to become a professional player. Everyone was taught fielding and batting skills and enjoyed a game of cricket on the field.
Our last day was very exciting as we learned how to play dodge ball in four teams. Each team had the chance to compete against each other. The children learned that team work was really important in this game. If you were hit by the ball you had to stand on the bench and could only be released back into the game if one of your team threw you the ball.
The children clearly loved the week and here are some of their comments:
‘We had lots of fun in cricket, I really liked batting the ball’ – Theo
‘Dodgeball was my favourite because we had to work together as a team’ – Oriole
‘I had a wonderful time playing the team building games, it was so much fun passing the hoop around!’ - Delila
‘I loved the movements in the carnival dance especially the wave where we all had to be in time with each other to make it work’ - Jeevan
We certainly had a fun filled, active week and learned many skills to help us become team players. Special thanks to our Primary Sporting Development coaches, Pips Dance Academy and Mr Murtagh who helped run this fabulous week alongside our school staff.
March 2022 Multi Sports Tournaments
Our school has been buzzing with sporting activity over the last two weeks. Every child has helped win points for their team colour by competing in year group sports tournaments. We were lucky enough to enjoy three sunny days of competition including hurdle relays, javelin throwing, speed bouncing and basketball dribbling. Children demonstrated fantastic sportsmanship, cheering on their teammates, determination and excellent sporting skills. A huge congratulations to all the children especially those in the Blue Team who were the overall winners with an amazing 3008 points!
Blue Team – 3008 points
Red Team – 2842 points
Yellow Team – 2824 points
Green Team – 2810 points
Special thanks to our PSD coaches who helped run this fun filled event alongside our school staff.
Skipping Workshop February 2022
In February we invited Jump Rope UK to our school to teach and inspire all of our children the basics of jump rope.
The coach shared his passion for skipping through class workshops. The children discovered a brilliant form of exercise, learnt new skills for their PE lessons and playtimes and had a lot of fun along the way!
Olympic Sports Week 2021
During the first week of July our school was a hive of activity as the children discovered and learnt to play new sports during our Olympic Sports Week. We used some of our Sports Premium budget to fund this exciting and busy week and a fantastic time was had by all!
Rugby Tots and Primary Sporting Development coaches taught the children skills needed to play Rugby, Boccia, Golf Archery and Athletics activities. Teachers planned work around the theme of sport to add to the excitement of the week. Year 2 also learnt about the development and values of the Paralympic Games as part of their local History topic.
Our week concluded with an inspirational assembly featuring Tim Prendergast, a Paralympian middle distance athlete from New Zealand. Tim answered questions posed by Year 2 children, talked about his athletic career, showed us a selection of his medals and discussed each of the Paralympic values.
We certainly had fun filled, active week! Please click on the links below to see photographs of the children enjoying their sports and to watch our school assembly featuring Tim Prendergast.