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Miss Simpkinson's Class

Welcome to 2AS!

Miss Simpkinson is our teacher and Mrs Richards and Mrs Page are our LSA’s. 

We have to work super hard in Year 2, but we have lots of fun along the way. On this page, you will be able to keep up to date with all the things we have been getting up to. 

We start everyday with handwriting practice- we’ve been developing our cursive writing since Reception, so we’re really good at it now! After that, we have Phonics where we learn new sounds which will help us with our spelling. 

Before break, we have Literacy and after break is Numeracy- this is tough work, so we then have a well-deserved lunch!

In the afternoons, it’s time for Foundation Subjects. On a Monday and Wednesday afternoon, we have PE- it makes it easier if our PE kits are all named to stop us getting in a muddle! 

We also visit the Coco Pod and Library on a Monday. In the Coco Pod, we enjoy improving our computer skills and learning how to use lots of new programs. 

On other days, we have Science, Geography or History, RE and Friday afternoons are messy because we are doing Arty things!!! 

We get our new homework on a Wednesday, which we need to bring back into school by Monday. We also have spellings to learn each week- we take these home every Friday ready for our spelling test the following week. 


As you can see, we are VERY busy in Year 2! We are looking forward to learning lots of new things this year and hope you pop back to this page soon to see what we have been up to! 


Miss Simpkinson, Mrs Page, Mrs Richards and all the Children in 2AS. 

Summer term Curriculum Letter
