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Windsor Castle

On Friday 11th May, Oak Class were bursting with excitement as we boarded the coach for Windsor Castle! We have been learning all about castles in Design Technology and about Queen Elizabeth ll in History. When we arrived, we were delighted to see the Royal Standard flying above the round tower... The Queen was at home!


After arriving at the Learning Centre, we made our way through security and into Windsor Castle. We were hoping we might get a glimpse of Prince Harry and Meghan but Mrs West said they were probably a bit busy! Oak Class had made wedding cards for the happy couple and we gave them to the teacher. We really hope they might write back to us...


During our visit, we were lucky enough to participate in a workshop entitled 'Who Lives in a Castle'. We learnt that the castle is over 1000 years old and we even got to dress up!


Lunch was a very welcome event as we were so hungry! We saw soldiers and we waved to them... but they didn't wave back!


After we collected our 'goody bag', we went back to school a very tired Oak Class. In our bags we found Union Jack flags ready to wave at the wedding!


Take a look at our photos below and see how happy we all are!

