This week, as part of our topic Amazing Animals, we have been looking at Minibeasts. Lots of us created work on different bugs for our homework so Miss Hayward decided to plan some fun activities!
We created pictures on the computer of butterflies and learnt about symmetry. We learnt about different bugs and used our phonic knowledge to write their names. We even counted and labelled spider's legs! Our focus book has been The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we have learnt about the stages from caterpillar to butterfly.
We finished our week with an exciting 'minibeast hunt' in the environmental area at our school. We found so many different minibeasts - beetles, woodlice, spiders, worms, snails and even some small frogs! Looking closely at them, we talked about the similarities and differences and created some observational drawings. We also have our very own ant and worm farm in our class, to observe over the next few weeks.
I wonder what next week will bring in RCH!
More photos to follow soon!
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