Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the class page for Elm Class!
We are a very enthusiastic, hard working and fun loving class! We enjoy each day learning and communicating with our friends. We are lucky to have our Learning Support Assistants called Mrs Skyrme-Davies, Mrs Ashraf and Mrs Postles who help us with so many things!
PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Please can you help us to make sure that our PE kit is in school on these days. It would be very helpful if all of our PE kit and our school clothes were named as this will help us when we have lost any items of clothing!
A Day in Elm Class:
08.40am - 09.00am: Early Morning work and Register
09.00am - 09.30am: Phonics
09.30am - 09.45am: Assembly
09.45am - 10.45am: English (one lesson of Science)
10.45am - 11.00am: Morning Break
11.00am - 12.00 noon: Maths (one lesson of Computing)
12.00 noon - 13.00pm: Lunch Time
13.00pm - 15.00pm: RE, History, Geography, PE, Music, French, Art, DT and PSHE
15.00pm: Home Time
We work so hard all week that Friday afternoon is Golden Time! We all choose an activity and have the chance to play with our friends.
Soon we will begin our Homework tasks. On Tuesdays we will bring home Spelling words to learn for a simple Spelling Sentence dictation on the following Monday. On Wednesdays we will bring home our green Phonics Homework book. Phonics activities will enable us to consolidate new Phase 5 GPCS and alternative sounds. Phonics homework should be returned to school on Monday.
On Fridays, we will bring home Little Wandle Phonics and White Rose Maths home learning resources. These will support us at home with our learning from school during the week. These worksheets do not need to be returned to school but if kept safely, they can be a useful reference throughout the year especially as we approach the Phonics Screening Check which takes place in the Summer.
We are hoping that you will enjoy a wonderful Year 1 journey with us!
Miss Bryan, Mrs Skyrme-Davies, Mrs Ashraf, Mrs Postles and all the children of Elm Class :)