Hello and welcome to 2JP’s class page.
This is where you can find out all about the fun things we have been doing in our lessons. Year 2 is a very important year for us all and we will learn lots of new and exciting things along the way.
2JP have got off to a flying start already! In Numeracy we have been looking at doubling, partitioning, shape and rounding. We have also been learning all about lighthouses in Geography from studying the book The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.
Mr Prior is the Class Teacher and Mrs Whyte, Mrs Page and Mrs Richards are the Learning Support Assistants. 2JP are a hard working class and we always enjoy our lessons. We are very keen to show off our Art, I.C.T and P.E skills!
Our day begins with a 10 minute handwriting session, followed by Phonics. Literacy and Numeracy then takes us to lunch and the afternoon sessions are focused on the foundation subjects.
Homework is sent home on a Wednesday and must be returned the following Monday.
Our library day is Monday. Children are to bring in library books on this day only in order to change their books.
Every Friday we take home spellings to learn which we are then tested on the following Friday. Please remember to bring in your spelling books every Friday. Don’t forget to change your reading book in the morning before registration, if you have read it all.
In 2JP we all aim to try our hardest in class and care for everyone. We like to reward our pupils and acknowledge their success in the weekly Celebration Assembly, which takes place every Friday.
Thank you for visiting our class page and for all your amazing support.
From all in 2JP
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