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Festivals and Celebrations Topic

Festivals and Celebrations

We have all worked extremely hard and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about ‘Festivals and Celebrations’, including Bonfire Night, Diwali, St. Andrews Day and Christmas.
*Bonfire Night – We had great fun creating our own Bonfire Night on the playground, using a variety of materials and classroom resources. We had to wrap up warm and each of us had a pencil sparkler! We created lots of firework pictures using a range of media such as paint, string and chalk. We even used the ‘splat tool on the computer! 

*Diwali – We all showed an interest in learning about Diwali, the festival of light. We enjoyed listening to and acting out the story of Rama and Sita. In Art, we made our own Diva Lamp, which we painted and decorated with sequins. 

*St Andrews Day – We are very lucky in Year R to have Mrs Leech, who gave us an insight into St Andrews Day. She brought in her kilt to show us and we had a go at creating our own, using strips of coloured material. We also had the opportunity to try some Scottish food. It was delicious!

*Christmas – The lead up to Christmas was RKM’s most favourite part of the term, as we were all very excited about Santa, who was hopefully coming to visit all of us who had been good. We all enjoyed our Christmas snowman theme and had great fun creating various snowmen crafts. We particularly enjoyed making a snowman out of an old smelly sock. The children were all stars in our Christmas performances and made perfect singing animals in the stable. 

Wow, what a busy but fun half term!