Good Morning Year 1,
We hope you are all well this morning. What a windy day it is today! Today we are working at home due to the tricky weather. Here is your plan for today:
Phonics – This week we have been recapping 'Tricky Words' and also the GPCs 'al', 'le' and 've'.Please see the link below to see a review lesson for today. Perhaps you could write as many tricky words that you can think of.
English – This week in English we have been learning from the Traditional Tale 'Chicken LIcken'. We have written a Book Review and yesterday, we learnt lots of non-fiction facts about chickens! Today we are going to design a safe and cosy chicken coop so that chickens can feel happy and lay eggs! Remember to include a strong door...
Maths – This week, in Maths we have been learning all about measuring length. We have used non-standard unit of measure using our hand span to measure length. Yesterday, we measured with a ruler using centimetres. Use the link below to help recap on how to use a ruler. Have a try at measuring today... You could measure some toys, books or even your sofa! If you do not have a ruler then use non standard units such as your handspan. Just have fun! 😁
Afternoon –
Winter Olympic Themed Activities: Here are some activities for you to choose from if you wish to!
Today we are saying farewell to Mrs Bagley, we have so many memories and we will miss her greatly. We wish her every happiness in her new school and we hope that she will keep in touch. We will see her a little later in our virtual Assembly. Watch out for the balloons...!
Have a wonderful half-term everyone and keep yourselves safe.
Take care
Mrs Bagley, Mrs West and all the Year 1 team.