Y’arr me hearties! We had a marvellous Pirate Day filled with getting up to no good and causing mischief!
Arriving on board was very exciting as we got to see each other’s amazing costumes; they were so good that Captain Peg Leg Forsythe found it very tricky to recognise which pesky pirate was which!
In the morning we were treated to a swashbuckling adventure performed by The Rainbow Theatre Company. It was great fun seeing Roger the pirate and his crew run into all kinds of problems whilst out on the sea trying to rescue the King’s son from Gruesome Gertie! The characters themselves were very impressed by our costumes and thought they were the best they had ever seen (we agreed).
After break time we caused havoc throughout the school by marauding through the classrooms! Our loot included multiple treasured toys from Year R – we left everyone shaking in their school socks; a good morning’s work. We then wrote some fantastic messages to our pirate foes in Oak Crew, warning them to stay away from our treasure- an important skill for any pirate. We placed them in bottles for the Oak pirates to find later in the day...
One of the highlights of our day was hunting for precious treasure on a deserted island – we left rich, with our pockets filled with doubloons and shiny jewellery! But then we were made to walk the plank by our very own Captain Peg Leg Forsythe! We managed to survive and evade the sharks and sea monsters below...
After our brush with danger we went hunting again – but this time for messages which had been left by Oak Crew! It was so exciting to find the bottles and read the letters they had given us; we shared these with each other in class.
What a fun packed day we had! We think it is safe to say that we will not be forgotten on these shores any time soon...