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Who we are

The Constitution of the Governing Body 2022/23


The Governing Body consists of:


2 Parent Governors

1 Local Education Authority Governor

1 Staff Governor

1 Headteacher

10 Co-Opted Governors



The Governors are:



Category of Governor



Jim King (Chair)


Cheryl Hopes (Vice Chair of Governors)


Nick Smith (Vice Chair of Governors)Co-Opted

Liz Thorp 


Alison Whittall


Janet West

Staff Governor

Susan Wallis

Local Authority

Sheila KingCo-Opted
Chris ThorneCo-Opted
Ian HoldstockCo-Opted
Miggs BowdenCo-Opted
Katie BarrCo-Opted
Jeni SomaniParent Governor

Helen Woods

Parent Governor

Jackie Griffiths

Associate Governor*

CaretakerAssociate Governor *


* Associate Governors are invited to attend Governing Body meetings but do not have voting rights.





Teaching & Learning


Resources & Personnel

Premises, Health & Safety

Katie Barr (Chair)

Alison Whittall

Sheila King

Izzie Pitman*

Chris Thorne

Liz Thorp

Susan Wallis

Janet West


Cheryl Hopes (Chair)

Alison Whittall

Jackie Griffiths*

Jim King

Nick Smith

Liz Thorp

Helen Wood

Ian Holdstock (Chair)

Alison Whittall

Jim King

Susan Wallis

Jeni Somani







Governor Responsibilities and Areas of Special Interest



Area of Special Interest


Governor Responsible




Early Years, English and Phonics

Chris Thorne


Maths and Computing 

Nick Smith

PECheryl Hopes


Ian Holdstock

Art and Design and Design and Technology 

Sheila King 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) and anti-bullying PSHCE, RSE and RE.

Sheila King

MusicMiggs Bowden

Humanities ( History and Geography) 

Katie Barr


Early Years

Liz Thorp

Chris Thorne




Sheila King

Safeguarding/Child Protection

Susan Wallis

Pupil Premium

Susan Wallis

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Susan Wallis

Equality & Diversity

Sheila King

Development Governor

Liz Thorp

Well-being GovernorSheila King 
Digital GovernorNick Smith



 Date of Appointment Date of Resignation/End of Term of Office Full Governing Body Meetings: Health & Safety Committee Resources & Personnel Committee Teaching & Learning Committee Business & Pecuniary Interests 
Meeting Dates    06/10/202109/12/202130/03/202225/05/202207/07/202230/09/202201/02/202208/06/202215/11/202121/03/202216/05/202205/10/202101/03/202218/05/2022 
James King 15.10.2020 14.10.2024 YYYYYYYYYYNYY Governor at CSPA 
Jean Cornes30.9.1996 17/12/2021YY   Y  Y  Y  None
Alison Whittall01/01/2022Head  YYY YY YY YYNone 
Elizabeth Thorp 15.7.2011 18.05.2025 YYY NYYYYYYYYYNone 
Cheryl Hopes 24.7.2018 23.07.2025YYYYY   YYY   None 
Janet West 30.9.2001 24.5.2026YYYYY      YYYNone 
Katie Barr 27.11.2019 26.11.2022 YYYYY      YYYNone 
Shona Hunter-Singh 15.10.2020 14.10.2024 YYYYN      YY None 
Sheila King 15.10.2020 14.10.2024 YYYYY      YY Governor at CSPA/Spouse of James King 
Nick Smith 14.12.2021 14.10.2024 YYYYY   YYY   None 
Christopher Thorne 15.10.2020 14.10.2024 NYYYY      N  None 
Susan Wallis 10.10.2017 9.10.2025 YYYYYYYY   YY None 
Ian Holdstock30.3.2220.3.2026  YYY  Y  Y  YNone 
Miggs Bowden28.9.2228.9.2025    N         None
Jeni Somani25.5.2224.5.2026   YY         None




Business & Pecuniary Interests are directorships, partnerships and employment with businesses that provide goods or services to the school and details of any other educational establishments governed.  
