Christmas festivities started in the Week of the 5th December, for the school's Christmas performance of 'Are We Nearly There Yet?' The children in Reception sang two songs brilliantly!
The children did very well in their role of 'cows' for the song 'Jingle Jingle Little Bell'. The second song was 'Snowflake', which the children sang beautifully. Well done to all of the budding performers in RCH!
On Tuesday the 13th of December, the whole school visited Aylesbury theatre to watch the pantomime, Dick Wittington. RCH were very excited as some of us had never been on a coach before! The pantomime was very funny and although King Rat was a little scary, everybody enjoyed the day.
The next day, class RCH made some Christmas biscuits and decorations. It was a little messy but very fun. We particularly enjoyed seeing the biscuits coming out of the oven and smelling them!
Our Christmas Concert was on Thursday the 15th of December. The whole of Reception sang 'I'm a Little Snowman' to lots of parents! We were all a little nervous but we sang very well.
Finally, on Friday the 16th of December, we wore sparkly Christmas party hats and had a party! There was lots of dancing, games and competitions. We even played a game of 'Pin the nose on Rudolph'!
A busy but very fun week! Thank you to everybody who made it such a success.
Have a look at the pictures of our busy week!
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