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Oak Class - Mrs West



Dear Parents,
Welcome to the class page for Oak Class!


Over the coming weeks we will be writing to tell you about our class and all the exciting learning opportunities that we will experience. You will be able to see pictures of us participating in lessons and enjoying creative tasks. 


We are a very enthusiastic, hard working and fun loving class! We enjoy each day learning and communicating with our friends. We are lucky to have our Learning Support Assistants called Mrs Swatman and Mrs Ashraf who help us with so many things!


Oak Class is taught in Classroom 3 where we have our own toilet, handwashing facilities and coat pegs. Sometimes we play on the field and sometimes we play in the playground. We love playing on the pirate ship and the tower with all our friends! 


Resources adorn the display boards which help us with our Maths, English and Phonics. Take a look at some photos below of us all learning together...





PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please can you help us to make sure that our PE kit is in school on these days. It would be very helpful if all of our PE kit and our school clothes were named as this will help us when we have lost any items of clothing! 




  A Day in Oak Class:

08.55am -  09.05am: Register and handwashing

09.05am -  09.30am: Phonics

09.30am - 09.45am: Assembly 

09.45am - 10.45am: English (one lesson of Religious Education) 

10.45am - 11.00am: Morning Break

11.00am - 12.00 noon: Maths (one lesson of Computing) 

12.00 noon - 13.00pm: Lunch Time

13.00pm - 15.00pm: Science, Humanities, PE, Music, French, Art, DT and PSHE 

15.00pm: Home Time


On Thursday afternoon we learn French! This term we are learning the French vocabulary for colours and simple greetings. We will also be learning to count in French up to 100 during Year 1. We enjoy learning through song and we use the online resources of 'Zim, Zam, Zoum' and Purple Mash.


We visit the Cocoa Pod for our Computing lessons on Fridays. We are learning to draw, add text, animate and add sound to our work. We are learning all about simple programming. (algorithms and debugging) and E-Safety. Sometimes we use Computing to enhance our learning in a cross curricular way. We love it in the Cocoa Pod!


In our English lessons this half-term, we are learning about familiar stories with repeating patterns, poetry, non-fiction books, instructions and recounts. In Maths we are learning our number bonds to 10 and beyond, simple addition and subtraction, the properties of shape, time, money and measures. In Geography we are learning about our local area and soon we are going to develop our map reading skills. In Science we are learning about Animals including Humans and in Art and Design we are learning about Materials and trying the skill of weaving.


We work so hard all week that Friday afternoon is Golden Time! We all choose an activity and have the chance to play with our friends. 

We hope that you enjoy reading all about us... À bientôt!

Mrs West, Mrs Swatman, Mrs Ashraf and the children of Oak Class

