Dear Parents,
Welcome to the class page for 1JW! Over the coming weeks we will be writing to tell you all about our class and all the exciting learning opportunies that we will experience. You will be able to see pictures of us participating in lessons, events and school trips.
We are a very enthusiastic, hard working and fun loving class! We enjoy each day learning and communicating with our friends. We are lucky to have Mrs Richards (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Page (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) who are our Learning Support Assistants. We enjoy extra help from parents or grandparents who may wish to come in and help in class, Library, for Food Technology and on school trips.
Our PE lessons are on Tuesday afternoon (games) and on Wednesday afternoon (dance). Please can you help us to keep our belongings safe by putting our names on
all our clothes!
On Thursday afternoons we visit the Library where we have the opportunity to choose a book to borrow for a week. On Tuesday afternoon we learn French! We are having great fun and this term we are learning colours and the French vocabulary for our family.
We visit the Cocoa Pod on Tuesday and Friday. We are learning to draw, add text, animate and add sound to our work. Sometimes we use ICT to enhance our learning in a cross curricular way. We love it in the Cocoa Pod!
We work so hard all week that Friday afternoon is Golden Time! We all choose an activity and have the chance to play with our friends.
In our Literacy lessons, this half-term we are learning about familiar stories with repeating patterns. We will experience Drama to develop our speaking and listening skills and experience innovative learning in preparation for writing. In Numeracy we are learning our number bonds to 10, simple addition and subtraction, the properties of shape, time, money and measures. In Geography we are learning about our local area and soon we are hoping to visit some shopkeepers in the village!
We will be visiting Milestones Museum of Living History on Tuesday 19th November 2013. If any parents wish to join us for a day out, please contact us!
We hope that you enjoy reading all about us... Abientôt!
Mrs West and the children of 1JW