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Year 1 - 08.02.21

Dear Year 1,  


We hope that you have had a great weekend and that you are ready for the last week of work before half-term. You have worked so hard over the past few weeks and we are so very proud of all of you.  We would like to thank your parents and carers for helping you and for sending all your wonderful work to us. It has been our pleasure to see how well you are all doing.


Do you know that on Friday it is Chinese New Year? It is such an interesting celebration for the people of China so this week in English, we are learning all about the famous 'Lion Dance' and all the customs and traditions of this colourful event. We are also going to be learning about panda bears that come from China! What do you know already?


In Maths we are learning all about time. We will be trying to recognise the times for o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. This is quite tricky but we have lots of activities to help you to understand. It is so important to tell the time because when you get older and you need to go somewhere, you need to get there on time and not be late!


This week we are going to continue our learning in Geography with learning about the main city in St Lucia and we will also be creating a 'Fact File' so that we can remember all the things that we have learnt about this beautiful part of the world.


Please take your time to complete work. Have a little rest in between lessons. If you get to the end of the day and you have not completed all of the work set, please do not worry. We know that you are doing your best.


As other weeks, we would like you to ask your Mummy or Daddy if you can email your Tuesday Maths work and your Tuesday English work to us. This week we will place your English work on the website on the Year 1 Home Learning Page for you to share all your Designs for Chinese New Year! Your house designs from last week were so imaginative and you are really trying hard to include adjectives and conjunctions in your writing. We were so pleased to see all your efforts with money; we know that it is a challenging concept but money is very important in our lives so well done!


If you have been practising singing 'Every Journey' during our Friday Assemblies and you would like to be in the Virtual Choir, please email a video clip of you singing to your class teacher by Wednesday 10th February.


Remember that you can also use:

  • Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics with your individual Login. 
  • RmEasimaths with your individual Login.
  • Phonics Play with the free Login: jan 21 (User name) home (password)


Don't forget to watch the Story Time stories. This week there is a story from Chinese New Year! Search for the 'Rainbow' and you will find a link to the short story read by Mrs West and also the chapter story read by Mrs Bagley. These are for you to listen to if you would like.


We continue to be here to help you with anything you may need; just email and we will contact you.


We miss you all and think of you every day.


Take care,

Love from

Mrs West and Mrs Bagley xx
