On Tuesday morning we were all very excited for our trip back in time to Milestones Museum of Living History. After a coach journey filled with alphabet and days of the week songs we arrived at the museum, which was almost like a film set!
After settling in and a talk from Maggie, telling us all about the museum and what we might see, we ventured down onto the Victorian streets and began searching for different pieces of history from this time. During our exploration we saw different modes of Victorian travel such as a tram, investigated Victorian houses and the way people lived, and even got to dress up in Victorian clothing! It was very interesting to compare this time period to how we live now- finding an outside toilet (with an occupant!) was a particular highlight for many of us!
After lunch we continued our hunt for Victorian pieces such as a street lamp, door knocker, coal hole, chimney and sash window; we discussed whether we still have these things today and what they are or were used for. We then headed to the gift shop and chose mementos from our day, before meeting back with Oak class for a sleepy journey home.
What a busy and exciting trip! We would like to say a big thank you to our helpers – Mrs Brayshaw, Mrs Owen and Mrs Johal we hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did!