Welcome to Miss Webb's Class!
Welcome to 1JOW’s class page. This is where you can find out about our class, see pictures of us taking part in all sorts of exciting activities and find out more about what we have been up to.
We are a happy, hard working and enthusiastic class who enjoy learning, creating and investigating. We are lucky enough to have two super LSA’s, Mrs Jones and Miss Price who help and support our learning.
We also have lots of parent helpers, who not only help in the classroom but also make it possible for us to visit the library and take part in cooking activities every week. Thank you!
As well as daily phonics, literacy and numeracy lessons, this term we are learning about houses and homes from the past, comparing them to where people live today. We are also designing and building castles, we hope to create a mini castle village in the classroom. On top of this we are beginning to speak a little French and investigating pushes and pulls in science. As you can see we are very busy!
Every Tuesday, we visit the school library where we have the chance to look at a huge variety of fiction and nonfiction books. Please help us to remember our book on a Tuesday so that we can share and exchange books every week.
On Fridays we take it in turns to cook in small groups. We are currently making delicious Christmas cakes which we will take home for our families to enjoy over the holidays.
PE takes place twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday; please help us remember our PE kits on these days. On Thursdays and Fridays we spend an hour working in the Cocoa Pod, on the computers. We experience a wide range of software and very much enjoy practising typing, illustrating and animating.
After all our hard work each week we have golden time on a Friday afternoon. We love playing, choosing toys and constructing Lego masterpieces as well as creating pictures, crowns and much more!
We hope you will enjoy viewing our page this year as we enjoy Year One.
Miss Webb and the children of 1JOW.

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!