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Chalfont St Peter

Infant School

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Year 1 - 01.02.21

Hello everyone! 


We hope you are all well and happy! Have you been on any walks or spent time in the garden? It has been a bit rainy hasn't it so if you did go out, we hope you wore your wellies!


This week in English, we are learning from the final 'Traditional Tale' for this term. Our book this week is the 'Three Little Pigs'. We are going to learn about captions and labels this week and also we are going to try some non-fiction writing again but this time about pigs! 


In Maths we are learning about recognising and identifying coins. We will be calculating money values and we will try to add notes too! At the end of the week, we will be revising many of the concepts that we have been learning by using some Maths Mats. 


This week we are going to continue our learning in Science with learning about the different kinds of trees and also the life cycle of a tree. Do you have any trees in your garden? If you do, does it lose the leaves in Winter? Do you know what kind of a tree it is?


As we always say, if you cannot complete all of the work set, that is fine. We know that you are all doing your very best and we are very grateful to your families for helping you with learning at home. This week we would like you to ask your Mummy or Daddy if you can email your Tuesday Maths work and your Tuesday English work to us. We were amazed by the content of your castle designs and written descriptions last week; your Art work was exceptional! Your calculations for finding 10 less were very accurate and those of you who completed the race were very fast! Well done!


Remember that you can also use:

  • Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics with your individual Login. 
  • RmEasimaths with your individual Login.
  • Phonics Play with the free Login: jan 21 (User name) home (password)


Don't forget to watch the Story Time stories and this week there is a non-fiction book to listen to ! Search for the 'Rainbow' and you will find a link to the short story read by Mrs West and also the chapter story read by Mrs Bagley. These are for you to listen to if you would like.


Remember that we are still here helping you in your home from our homes;  get in touch if you need any help.


We miss you and hope to see you all soon...


Take care,

Love from

Mrs West and Mrs Bagley
