Art is a fantastic way for all children of all ages to express themselves, be creative and to explore. At Chalfont St Peter Infant School, Art is embedded into all areas of the curriculum wherever possible. We engage, inspire and challenge children to develop skills and knowledge. They experiment, invent and create their own works of Art whilst learning about famous Artists who have contributed to our history and culture. We enjoy celebrating the Art that is created through displays, lessons, work books, the wider community and learning through play.
“All children are artists” – Pablo Picasso
At Chalfont St Peter Infant School, we endeavour to ensure that all pupils:
At Chalfont St Peter Infant School, children will be given rich opportunities to be explore, develop and create. Art and Design is taught as a discreet subject and permeates throughout the entire curriculum.
Art and Design is carefully planned to ensure coverage of all elements of the Art and Design curriculum. Lessons provide progression and continuity of learning with regard to the skills of Drawing and Mark Making, Painting and Colour, Printing, Pattern and Textiles, Collage, 3D Sculpture and Art in Computing. Pupils learn about great artists and use the work of artists as a stimulus to produce their own creative works.
Children will be equipped with knowledge and skills to participate in, experiment with, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. They will develop their ability to think critically and evaluate their work and the work of others in order to progress, improve and grow artistically.