This week we have been learning about the festival of Chinese New Year. It has been interesting and exciting to learn more everyday.
We started our week off by learning about the festival celebrated on Sunday 9th February 2013. We looked at the traditions of Chinese New Year and compared them to Christmas and Diwali traditions. We then made our own paper dragons. It was tricky at first but we peservered and made some super dragons!
We then learnt about the creatures in the story of Chinese New Year and decided on our favourite! We began dancing to Chinese music under a dragon costume. We even used Miss Hayward's real puppet dragon from China, to dance to the music.
On Wednesday morning, we had special visitor come in to talk to use about Chinese New Year. It was interesting to learn all about Chinese customs and traditions.
We will be finishing our week by tasting some Chinese food and performing a dragon dance. More photos to follow!.......
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