Hello Year 2,
We hope you have all had a good weekend, despite the rain!
We are learning about past and present tense this week in Phonics. You will be having a go at changing verbs from present to past tense by applying the rules for adding ed that we learnt last week. Can you remember all the rules? You will also be learning about some irregular verbs that don't follow the rules.
Do you know the difference between fiction and non-fiction? This weeks English work focuses on non-fiction texts, perhaps you have some non-fiction books at home? You will find out about all the different features of these books and learn how to use them.
In Maths we have a week of money work, get ready to add coins and notes!
As always the weekly plan is a guide and you should do what you can manage. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need help or guidance.
Take care
Mrs Chambers and Mrs Edwards