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Chalfont St Peter

Infant School

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Maths is important in everyday life and at Chalfont St Peter Infant School we will equip children with the foundations of Mathematics. We strive to provide children with a high-quality, broad and challenging Maths curriculum. Our daily lessons allow for children to become fluent in the fundamentals of Maths, developing their understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge. Children will be able to reason mathematically by discussing their learning use mathematical vocabulary in a variety of context and across the curriculum. They will solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge.



As a school we use White Rose to support our planning of lessons. Each topic is broken into small steps and teachers use these steps to provide lessons that meet the needs of their class. Practical resources are available to provide concrete manipulatives. 


In Year R, our children will be provided with many mathematical opportunities, through planned purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Our children will develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, solving simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe and compare shapes, space and measure. By the end of Year R, children will have a deep understanding of numbers 1-10 and begin to use this knowledge to support them in solving simple mathematical problems. 


Throughout Key Stage 1 pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. Our children learn to count, read, write and order numbers up to, across and beyond 100. They develop a range of mental calculation skills and use these confidently for different concepts. They learn about shape and space through practical activities which build on their understanding of their immediate environment. Our children begin to grasp mathematical language, using it to talk about their methods and explain their reasoning when solving problems. They explore measurement when learning about Time, Weight, Length and Capacity. Children develop their knowledge of money, coin values and giving change through practical experiences. As a class, children are taught how to gather information; they display it within graphs and interpret specific date relevant to themselves. Children develop their understanding of place value and the number system.



Lessons are carefully differentiated to suit the different abilities, learning styles and to enable each child to develop at their own pace. They consolidate mathematical skills and methods, working in groups for collaborative learning where appropriate. Children’s understanding of taught concepts are assessed during termly assessments tasks and in Year R assessments happen daily through observing and questioning the children’s knowledge through their play. Evidence of the children’s learning in KS1 is recorded in their individual Maths books. In Year R both teacher-led and child-initiated Maths activities are recorded on Tapestry. At the end of each term, assessments are documented on Learning Ladders. At the end of the academic year, children in Year R will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals. Children in Year 2 will be assessed against the End of KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework.
