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Curriculum Newsletters

Year Reception Curriculum Booklet
Spring Term 2012
Dear Parents,
We hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year. Thank you very much for your lovely cards and presents, it was very kind of you all.
The Autumn term was very successful and the children settled in well, thank you for all your support. The Grandparent’s Day towards the end of term had a high uptake and the children showed off their grandparents with pride! The weeks up until Christmas were very exciting and busy, the children worked incredibly hard.
We are all looking forward to another exciting term and we hope you and your children will enjoy the topics and learning that will take place over the next few months. The curriculum booklet will give you more information about this and will also give you some important notes to remember throughout the term.
We hope you find it useful and please don’t hesitate to ask us if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Miss Hayward, Miss Smith, Mrs Leech, Mrs Barnett and Mrs McGarvie.
Fabulous Food
Our topic for the first half of this term is ‘Fabulous Food.’ As part of this topic we will be focusing upon all types of food! We will look at stories with a food focus, talk about healthy and unhealthy foods as well as lots of opportunities for tasting. Towards the end of this topic, we will start to investigate planting and growing different fruits and vegetables.  
Amazing Animals
Our topic for the second half of term is ‘Amazing Animals’. We will be learning about many different animals and their habitats. The children will investigate life cycles, caring for animals and the features of different animals. There will be lots of opportunities to talk about the children’s pets!
Knowledge and Understanding of the World

During our topic on ‘Fabulous Food’ children will learn about similarities and differences between different food types. We will also compare foods from around the world, particularly China to link with the festival of Chinese New Year.

The topic ‘Amazing Animals’ will provide opportunities for the children to find out about the features and habitat of different animals. As we approach Spring, we will begin to investigate life cycles.
Through child initiated play, using the resources available, the children will develop exploratory and investigative skills which will extend their knowledge and understanding of the world.

Areas of learning
Creative Development
During this term, our focus will be on music, singing and drama. Children will continue to learn new songs and begin to explore changes in sounds through the use of musical instruments. Drama and role play will be developed through the acting out of stories and movement in dance and gym. Art and design will be incorporated into activities that relate to our topic. The children will make 2D and 3D creations, where they explore colour, texture, shape, form and space. Independent play opportunities will encourage the children to explore a variety of materials where they can use their senses to investigate.
Physical Development
PE will take place every Wednesday morning. The topic this term will be ‘Gym’. This will help the children to move safely with confidence and imagination. Children will learn how to travel around a space and how to use equipment safely. They will also learn the importance of keeping healthy. Children will have access to outdoor space and resources to encourage gross motor development.
Communication, Language and Literacy

During this term we will continue to develop phonic, reading and writing skills to assist their Literacy development.
Please continue to use the reading record book to record notes on your child’s reading.  Your child’s teacher and LSA will also write notes when they hear your child read.
The children will develop their writing skills as they continue to progress in writing simple CVC words and captions. We will focus on children writing for a purpose, for example, writing lists, labels, letters etc.
Children will participate in a phonics session every morning. This term we will be learning the following sounds:
Set 6: j v w x Set 7: y z,zz qu
Graphemes: ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
The children will continue to develop their numeracy skills through fun, engaging and practical activities. Children will continue to learn to recognise, count and order numbers. We will focus on calculation and problem solving. Our focus in Shape, space and measure will be investigating comparisons in size, quantities and weight.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children will continue to learn to work as part of a group or class or independently. We will support the children to develop an awareness of the needs and feelings of themselves and of others. This term we will focus on learning about the culture and beliefs of others and why we should respect each other. 
This term we will encourage children to dress and undress independently for P.E and continue to encourage them to take responsibility for their own belongings. 
Thankyou for all your support in organising and participating in cookery during the Autumn term. If you would like to help in the kitchen either on a regular basis or on a rota, please see your class rep. As you can imagine the cost of weekly ingredients soon mounts up and we would be grateful for a voluntary contribution of £5 per child per term. We will be sending a separate letter with regards to cooking contributions.

Uniform & PE Kit
Please continue to check that each item of your child’s school uniform, P.E kits and coats are clearly named. PE kits can remain on your child’s peg throughout the school year. Please ensure that long hair is tied back. If your child wears earrings, they must be able to take them out independently. Please also ensure long hair is tied back.
Donations of glue sticks and tissues would still be very much appreciated because these are essential, especially in Reception!
Dates for the Diary
1. Arts Week – History Theme – Week of 6th February
2. Sign to Sing Event – Wednesday 8th February
3. Half Term – Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February.
4. Book Week – Week of 27th February
5. Parents Evenings – Wednesday 7th March and Thursday 8th March (3.15pm-7.00pm)
6. Sponsored Bounce – Friday 23rd March
7. Easter Egg Hunt – Thursday 29th March
8. Finish for Easter Break – Friday 30th March