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Miss Hayward's Class



We hope you enjoy reading about our class and all the wonderful things that happen in RCH! 

Miss Hayward is our class teacher and Mrs Leech is our Learning Support Assistant.  Bertie and Pop are our class teddies.  They are all very friendly!

We love to learn in Reception and our day starts off with a Phonics session.  Learning Phonics helps us to read and write.  Our Phonics sessions are fun as we often learn rhymes and play games to help us remember all of the sounds!  We enjoy playing ‘What’s in the Box’ and being ‘Sound Detectives’. 

After Phonics we learn take part in small group focus sessions where we learn something new in Literacy and Numeracy.  We enjoy trying the ‘Hotspots’ around the classroom, which are fun challenges and activities, where we often find things out for ourselves!
In the afternoon, we focus on our half termly topic (the Curriculum Newsletter will explain more about these).  We participate in a focus activity in Expressive Arts and Design, Understanding the World, French, PSHCE or Music. On a Tuesday afternoon Mrs King teaches us.

Every Monday morning we have P.E, so don’t forget your P.E kit!  We also visit the Cocoa Pod, where we learn how to use the computers. Every Thursday afternoon, our parents come in to help with cooking. 

Our teddy, Pop, likes to spend his weekends visiting children in RCH.  Every Friday, a child in RCH will take him home and write a diary about what he gets up to!  They can then tell the class all about his visit, on Monday.

The Reception environment lets us explore and discover things for ourselves.  We use both classrooms, our shared Quiet Room and Outside area. We like to visit our school’s Environmental Area, to explore and investigate!  Throughout the year, we have exciting trips and theme days which extend our learning outside the classroom.

The school days in RCH are filled with learning in a playful, exciting way.  We explore, discover, experiment, investigate and communicate.  We respond to the children’s interests, needs and what is happening in the world around them.  The teaching and learning in RCH is underpinned by the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum – recognising that every child is unique and children develop in the context of relationships and environment around them.

We hope you enjoy looking at our class photos and we hope you visit our page again soon!

Miss Hayward and Mrs Leech